Eric and Amber had their wedding at The Chatfield Botanic Gardens! It’s a beautiful wedding venue – complete with a big red barn for the reception! The weather couldn’t have been more perfect – and the sky was incredible that night! They even had a live band at the reception !! We had a GREAT time!!
Oh my gosh! Awesome first kiss!!
Amber was such a beautiful bride!!
Reception in the barn & outside on the patio! For the first dance they danced to a Taylor Swift song – so perfect.
Eric joined the band and sang a song to Amber – look at her face! Priceless.
And a silly one to end off the night! Congrats to you Eric and Amber!! I hope your honeymoon in Mexico was so awesome!
Jake and Robbin’s wedding day was so fun! They are the kind of couple everyone loves and it’s so easy to see why once you meet them! It was such a joyful and peaceful day! The ceremony was held at Northern Hills Church and the ceremony was officiated by Robbin’s very own father as well as Jake’s mentor Chris! Oh and I forgot to mention it was a 500+ person wedding definitely one of the biggest I’ve ever been to! But, it’s only because they are adored by soooooo many people!
Robbin’s cousin did all of her make up and hair. I loved seeing this accomplished look on her face once the beautiful bride was all ready to walk down the aisle!
While the girls got ready Jake read his vows – and put them into his iphone to read from during the ceremony!
They had a moment before the ceremony to see each other and pray together it was such an awesome thing to witness! I totally wanted to cry – it was so sweet! Notice the frame on the stage- the wedding theme was “Picture Perfect” and it totally was!!
Probably the coolest wedding shoes I’ve ever seen! They each had them made for each other!! Robbin’s shoes were hand drawn designs! Creative people!!
The wedding was held at Northern Hills Church and seriously such a cool building!!!
Robbin’s talented aunt Trish made these beautiful flowers!
Robbin’s sister sang “At Last” while she came down the aisle – so romantic!! I thought it was a Norah Jones CD playing then I look on stage and her sister is singing – AMAZING!
Thank you Jake and Robbin for letting me be apart of this very special day!
(09/09/2009, 7:20 pm)
Which Taylor Swift song?! I love these pictures V, what a GORGEOUS couple!!