This was all the snow we had left from the massive amount of snow we got just Saturday!I <3 randomness.
Yay! The grass is finally green again!
This was at theater where Cody and Bonnie had their first date!
Jason and Lindsey were my first wedding booking from last year! I was so excited to finally shoot their engagement! This is yet another one of those locations I found by getting really lost and then discovering cool picture spots! Maybe I shouldn’t get that GPS…. I might not find cool places like this if I never got lost! HAHAJason operates big cranes like this one! Perfect fit!
(04/20/2009, 12:23 pm)
These are awesome!! I can’t wait to get the rest! Thank you so much. 🙂
(04/24/2009, 9:44 pm)
That one of the shoes. Classic! So awesome.