Eric and Amber had their wedding at The Chatfield Botanic Gardens! It’s a beautiful wedding venue – complete with a big red barn for the reception! The weather couldn’t have been more perfect – and the sky was incredible that night! They even had a live band at the reception !! We had a GREAT time!!
Oh my gosh! Awesome first kiss!!
Amber was such a beautiful bride!!
Reception in the barn & outside on the patio! For the first dance they danced to a Taylor Swift song – so perfect.
Eric joined the band and sang a song to Amber – look at her face! Priceless.
And a silly one to end off the night! Congrats to you Eric and Amber!! I hope your honeymoon in Mexico was so awesome!
(09/09/2009, 7:20 pm)
Which Taylor Swift song?! I love these pictures V, what a GORGEOUS couple!!