
Zac & Michelle {wedding}

September 24th, 2009

Michelle is one of my best friends and it was such an honor to photograph her wedding, it was a simple & elegant event. No “official”  bridesmaids & groomsmen but they still had their closest friends by their side! The reception was YUMMY cake, appetizers and a great time of fellowship! 
blogfavorites-edited-3This necklace was passed down, Michelle’s grandmother and mother both wore it on their wedding days, but the clasp was broken! If I had known sooner I would have called Adrienne from bebe & boo to repair it. Future Brides- if you have something special like this give Adrienne a call and she will fix it right up for you (ask me for her email address). blogfavorites-edited-5blogfavorites-edited-6blogfavorites-edited-7blogfavorites-edited-9Love the train of her dress! 
blogfavorites-edited-10blogfavorites-edited-12bwblogfavorites-edited-13blogfavorites-edited-14blogfavorites-edited-15blogfavorites-edited-16blogfavorites-edited-17blogfavorites-edited-18blogfavorites-edited-19Wait for it….. blogfavorites-edited-21Boom!blogfavorites-edited-22blogfavorites-edited-25blogfavorites-edited-26blogfavorites-edited-27blogfavorites-edited-29blogfavorites-edited-28blogfavorites-edited-30 This is my future assistant photographer AJ! 

blogfavorites-edited-31 Michelle & Zac – Praise God continuously for the gift of having each other, pray hard and forgive deeply. Love you guys so much! Enjoy this peek of your pictures!

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